Wednesday, September 09 2015
Brisbane price growth while modest compared to Sydney has been growing on average at 5% a year since late 2012. This means if you had bought the right type of property in 2012 for $400,000 it is likely to have increased to $463,000 in value. If you have done nothing over the last few years then you could say the cost of your procrastination is $21,000 a year. In the last 6 months we have seen a number of areas increase by 8%. If that trend continued that would be 16% per annum. I've certainly seen my fair share of procrastinators over the last few years. In the end they become pretty easy to spot. They typically have unrealistic expectations of what they can get for their budget so nothing will ever be good enough. They ask a 101 questions, seeking answers to every possible scenario like "what happens if we are invaded by aliens?". They go in circles jumping from property to property, every time their brief is met they look for reasons not to proceed. They make decision based on personal beliefs, myths or emotions rather than facts and data. They react to every snippet of information they hear from family, friends or work colleagues and come back with a new list of questions on some newly discovered topic that generally doesn't relate to their situation. You generally see these people spin their wheels year after year still looking for the perfect, risk free property that is well outside their budget. Or they end up buying something that is completely unsuitable and under performing. Contrast this to the clients I have worked with over the last few years, people who have taken action. They seek professional advice, they want to learn and they do ask questions, but only those relevant to their own situation that will allow them to make an informed decision. They have a clear plan on where they are going and want to put that plan into action without delay. They understand that creating wealth is a long term exercise and that wasting time is costing them money. They have realistic expectations of what they can achieve. They accept that investment has risk and doesn't come with guarantees, but they also know that risk can be managed. They are interested in the numbers and performance, not on myths or personal beliefs. And critically they take action. |