Wednesday, March 04 2015
Cash neutral investment properties are those that pay for themselves without any additional contributions from the investor. If the property is one that delivers reasonable price growth over time it really becomes a no brainer. A property that pays for itself and builds your wealth and your retirement fund. But do they exist and where do you find them? Do they exist? Yes, but you won’t find them with a sign out the front. And you probably won’t have much success if your are using realestate.com.au either. In fact if all you do is look at properties you will probably never find one. That’s because the property is only one part of the story and there are a range of other factors that will influence a property’s cash position and whether it will be neutral for you, including.
Unfortunately most people get focused on the “property” and pay little attention to the structure around it. In many cases the structure and strategy become an after- thought. This is unfortunate because in many cased they are doing themselves out of thousands of dollars a year. Which in turn could undermine goals like paying off their home loan and building further wealth. Our approach with clients is to start with the strategy first in the context of the client’s financial position. We map out the financial goals and then put in place the correct property and structure to support it. What opportunities are you missing? Contact us for an initial discussion. |