Let you boss buy your retirement home Like most people Ted has an image of what his retirement nirvana will look like in his head. He and his wife will live in a humble home close to a beach full of fish that he will catch and cook for their lunch. They'll have a garden where he grows their vegetables and salad and close enough to a large town to enjoy it's amenities and access to medical care. They will regularly entertain family and friends who come for a week and end up staying for a month. Returning home, only when they are truly rested. They will be able to easily drive to a nearby airport so that they can fly to visit their children and grandchildren, who in a massive act of revenge Ted will encourage to throw their toys around the house. And leave them there.Your venue may change but many people share a similar idea of what the days after their working life will look like. So how can a normal couple on average income have a nice retirement home and live comfortably at the same time. The buy now, sell later strategy. This strategy is one of the simplest of all. You will use your Super to buy a property now in the area you want to retire to and rent it out. You use your employers compulsory contributions and rental income to pay it off. Then when you're ready to retire, you sell your current family home and put the proceeds into your super fund which will now generate your pension. There's a bit of juggling to do to make it happen of course but opportunities for most people to have a comfortable retirement and a tax free retirement income are getting harder and harder to find. Contact us to learn more or to find out if this strategy is suitable for you. |