Credit difficulties? If your credit history or your requirements don't fit traditional lender guidelines, then ask us about a range of solutions that are outside the nine dots.
We can turn no into yes Just because one lender says no doesn't mean you can't get a home loan somewhere else. We have access to a range of lenders that are prepared to assess each application on its merits. Below are just some of the situations where we can help: - Impaired credit history including bankruptcy - Contract or part-time workers - Older applicants - Large debt consolidations - Business finance - New business funding - No financial statements/Lo Document loans - Employment instability - Unusual deposit sources - Recently arrived immigrants - Company and Trustee applicants
Affordable solutions In most cases you will still be able to access very competitive rates, generally starting at about 0.5% above standard home loan rates.
Like to know more contact us or complete our Loan Assessment Form to find out what options are available. |